11:10 Special Activities, Fun with Science Experiments, Children's Yoga
Preschool Daily Schedule
Circle Time ( arrival/greeting, weather, calendar, them-based related songs, stories, learning activities, abc's, 123's letter/number recognition, felt board/interactive stories, music and movement, learning games and much more :) ....
Outdoor time - Activities such as running, jumping, balancing, games, sand, mud kitchen, Green Apple Garden/Planting, bubbles, parachute play, slides, bean bag throw
9:50 - 10:50
Indoor Free Play Time - sand table, water table, cars, train, dress up room, puzzles, sensory tables, special them activities, and much more ..
Arts and Crafts - theme based Art for the children, there will also be free art time for the kids to enjoy
12:00- 12:15
Circle Time Songs, Story Baskets Class dismissed at 12:15
Snack Time - This is an important social time for the children to learn their self help skills